LOCALSCENT Project - Scattering assisted localization of Alzheimer’s fluorescent aggregates


Abstract: The Project LOCALSCENT (Scattering assisted localization of Alzheimer’s fluorescent aggregates) aims to realize a new, non-invasive and low-cost protocol for the Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) early diagnosis. In AD patients, since the early stage of the pathology, it is possible to observe the presence of morphological and structural changes in the retina. In particular neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) have been detected.
Many retinal imaging studies, demonstrated a correlation between the onset of AD and changes of the retinal vascularization, decrease of the retinal cells and thinning of the optical disk. The retina, an extension of the central nervous system, offers a non-invasive access to the neural tissue through the transparent optical aperture.
The NFT represent solid biological evidence for the diagnosis of the AD also in the early stage, but specific biomarkers are today still not being developed.

Aims: LOCALSCENT aims to merge the potential of a novel optical super resolution technique named Scattering Assisted Imaging with a new generation of biocompatible compounds which are highly specific to the NFTs binding, so to achieve AD early detection with a simple and non-invasive exam which potentially convenient for mass screening.


  • Istituto di Nanotecnologia CNR Nanotec – Coordinatore del Gruppo. PI Dr. Marco Leonetti
  • Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza - PI Dr.ssa Paola Baiocco
  • Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia – PI Dr. Simone De Panfilis

Financing institutions: FESR Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale - Programma Operativo regionale del Lazio – Programmazione 2014-2020. Avviso Pubblico: “Progetti di Gruppi di ricerca 2020” - Domanda n. PROT. A0375-2020-36549 CUP B85F20003340002

Financing: 149.689 €

Project Duration: 15/04/2021 – 15/04/2023

  • Fondi Europei: www.europa.eu
  • Lazio Europa: www.lazioeuropa.it
